Sunday, July 2, 2017

Olympic Decathlon for the Coco

Have you ever played a game that is just incredibly infuriating but you want to beat it so you keep on playing?

I came across this Olympic Decathlon game for the tandy coco and it is most difficult because it doesn't let you continue unless you "qualify" for each event. If you don't measure up, you have to start over again.

It's written by L. Curtis Boyle and you can find it at his website.

It starts up with a blank screen so you have to hit "C" for continue.

and hit C to continue past the rings screen.

and it's written in BASIC so you can see how it was made. Pretty clever. I want to fix it so I can see all of the events. I can't keep doing the 100 meter dash.

So to get printing to work with mame, use the -printout option like so:

./mame64 coco2 -flop1 -printout printout.txt

and do an LLIST command: (and be prepared to wait a few minutes to get the cursor back since it takes a while)

and you get the file, but first it needs to be cleaned up, there's an FF at the beginning and ^M at the end of every line.

To fix the printout file for linux, use this sed command:

sed -i -e 's/\r/\n/g' printout.txt

that changes \r return characters to \n newline characters.

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