Sunday, September 17, 2017

Fun with TMS9918 fonts on the Third Millenium Arcade Board

So you have to upload fonts to the TMS9918 to get it to display anything textwise.

I came across this great thread about ti fonts by sometimes99er where he has put together a bunch of great fonts in gif format:

There was one font in particular that is near and dear to me: The classic Amiga font.

Let's see if we can get the Apple II Third Millenium Arcade Board's TMS9918 to display it.

First, I thought I'd use HTML5 and firefox to generate the DATA statements for Applesoft:

So we create a canvas, draw the 0236.chr.gif into the canvas, and use getImageData() to get access to the data and generate a bunch of DATA statements.

This HTML5 generates the following DATA statements.

and we paste this into mame's apple2 driver with SHIFT+Scroll Lock to enter it into our basic program:

and I choose background B = 4 and foreground F = 15 for white text on blue for that classic look.

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