Monday, September 26, 2016

Built-in editor for microcontroller kit

I'm having a great deal of fun trying to figure out the ins and outs of the Thames and Kosmos microcontroller kit.

I wrote my first program(s) using the built-in editor and I have to say that it's a little bit restrictive. For instance, you have to double click on an instruction (or drag it into the program pane) to add it to the program.

Once you've put it in, you can't edit it in any way except to delete it. No copy/paste, or changing a numeric constant.

So to enter an instruction like Delay = 250, first you have to set the constant to 250, then double click on the Delay instruction.

I did notice that all of the sample programs have the suffix .k and they are all text files. One should be able to edit a text file and load it into the editor. It seems that labels have no indentation, and regular instruction have a TAB at the beginning of the line.

The initial program upon first launching the editor software had the line Delay 250, but I could only enter the instruction Delay = 250, so that must have been loaded from a text file.

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