Saturday, November 26, 2016

Trying to find things that you've seen long ago

I watched this foreign French movie on Bravo years ago. I forgot the name of the movie and so I went looking for it on imdb. I wasn't able to figure it out initially but I never gave up and kept looking every time it popped into my head. Finally, I figured out what it was. It was called "Le the au harem d'Archimede" or "Tea in the harem". You know, the Theorem of Archimedes.

I remember these things long ago and can't remember what they were exactly.

Like this music video that I think aired on the show "Rock'n America" back in the 80s where this gal in this yellow jumpsuit was in some kind of power plant pulling levers up and down. I'm still trying to figure out what that one was. I vaguely remember it being called Love lines or something like that.

And this Othello game that I played years ago on some really fancy computer back in the mid 80s. I don't know what computer it was, but that was practically the only game for it and I remember that the computer was really expensive. It was some really obscure desktop computer with a monochrome display. I don't remember it having color. Someday I'll figure out what it was. I keep searching google images for Othello or Reversi but nothing looks familiar.

The obscure things that you remember and you want to put a name with them.

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