Tuesday, August 16, 2016

BattleTech Center

I remember years ago reading about the Battletech Centers, where you'd fight other people in simulated giant mech battle, and based on Amigas.

.Info magazine had a writeup in issue 35 in 1990.


"The BattleTech Center

by Jeff Lowenthal

Join Jeff as he tries out the BattleTech Center's high-tech Amiga driven battle simulators. "

"It's unlikely to be limited by the hard-
ware, which includes 16 networked Amiga
500 boards, one for each cockpit, plus two
more computers per pod. The 50Os run most
of the game code and the secondary display
screens. Custom graphics cards, 68020
accelerator boards, and a variety of other
hardware, combined with a library of 19.000
3D graphic images, provide the power to
make this ihing real. The main display even
varies as a unit moves away, duplicating the
fogginess you see at long distance in real

It looks pretty primitive by today's standards, but that was the kind of thing that I dreamed about back in the day.

This training video with Joan Severance is pretty funny.

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